After almost 8 years amazing experience in this great community, the time has come to retire from the spot light. I would love to achieve this ambitious goal before my departure. Thank you to everyone who were by my side all these years and for all those who will involve and help me out with my final goal here! Come visit me and have a lot of fun these next few months!! PS. I already miss this place... :)
Sep 30, 2021
Dec 21, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 21, 2021.
You can send Diamanda_ a Share Tip!
All 43 Albums, 63 Recordings, 18 Items, and 4 Clubs contribute to this Goal.
trusterson 4563 Tokens
inmand 3587 Tokens
Sl33pyhead 3383 Tokens
George94ts 1000 Tokens
muffe123 999 Tokens
PatsFan00 888 Tokens
Spitfire68 498 Tokens
birdsdad61 399 Tokens
Anonymous 200 Tokens
gordonsh 152 Tokens
HeartInPlace 130 Tokens
kallstar26 94 Tokens
MelonMan7 20 Tokens