My goal is to buy a house made of natural materials in the forest, where I can be completely naked, go outside to have sex right in the clearing. Where I can invite my friends to join my nudist party and everyone will feel relaxed, at ease, like it's their home. I like fetish and when people peep how I touch my body. I want to have a huge pool where all my invited friends will hug, kiss and show all their sexual fantasies without worrying about anything. In my future house there will be a huge table with a variety of snacks for every taste and the best varieties of wines and whiskeys, as well as beautiful blues or jazz music. The waiters who bring all these snacks will also be naked. There will be a butterfly on the body of the male waiters, this is all the necessary clothing. And for female waitresses, a small apron that covers the front of the body. This is the dress code for my parties. My home will be your home when I reach this goal! Reach our goal together!
Jan 25, 2023
Jan 30, 2025
Token Goal
All 42 Albums, 1 Story, 1 Recording, and 9 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
AndrewLove1 2924 Tokens
andful44 2896 Tokens
Anonymous 1698 Tokens
Izzy1024 1400 Tokens
Anonymous 1299 Tokens
GV_Spidey 1158 Tokens
Misterokay 844 Tokens
nub2222 798 Tokens
jaygee1 640 Tokens
jimmy00770 454 Tokens
Anonymous 424 Tokens
templareight 312 Tokens
smackery714 234 Tokens
Canwetalk 200 Tokens
DeiExMachina 178 Tokens
Peter_Rabbit3 176 Tokens
Broh29 168 Tokens
MRM1995 168 Tokens
Spoonyluv913 162 Tokens
kasthil 140 Tokens
SleepyPaulie 138 Tokens
tehradge 128 Tokens
ThickCock54 122 Tokens
BigCatGrrr 122 Tokens
McKeefer 116 Tokens
MarkTX1993 112 Tokens
OhMyOhMy 108 Tokens
aprmrt 102 Tokens
Anonymous 88 Tokens
smokeyjohn888 84 Tokens
DSamson 84 Tokens
beardedpipe 84 Tokens
lowkey710 84 Tokens
rambler57 82 Tokens
beefe 76 Tokens
smokeluva 76 Tokens
DrTwerkenstn 74 Tokens
Anonymous 60 Tokens
bigpopa33333 56 Tokens
jkluvsbjs 56 Tokens
Rookie4 56 Tokens
MrNaked4uKsu 56 Tokens
Zedpussylovr 56 Tokens
yeah_itsme 54 Tokens
Face2Pussy 54 Tokens
TheRoyguy 48 Tokens
Randytx2 48 Tokens
lobass69 48 Tokens
poolofthedead 48 Tokens
Anonymous 48 Tokens
bradstevens81 48 Tokens
MichiganMan70 46 Tokens
peedee69r 46 Tokens
Lik_It_Up 46 Tokens
xAkira72 46 Tokens
playingfun3 46 Tokens
Jaqzon 46 Tokens
Robert601 46 Tokens
sneakysimon 36 Tokens
Sen21099 36 Tokens
martin_00018 28 Tokens
jop2023 28 Tokens
one28 28 Tokens
myggen42 28 Tokens
youlookhot03 28 Tokens
tiny226 28 Tokens
hamlet994 28 Tokens
TheHawk93 28 Tokens
slimfitmale 28 Tokens
goindeep8 28 Tokens
Mr_Uncut 28 Tokens
archimago 28 Tokens
Faarm 28 Tokens
liplover 28 Tokens
hr4thprty 28 Tokens
jettec757 28 Tokens
luv2watch1970 28 Tokens
MrPOuioui 28 Tokens
quierro 28 Tokens
devonone1 28 Tokens
crewman8 28 Tokens
David111951 28 Tokens