Hello Guys....Today I start the most important goal of all my life! This goal of having my own home is my DREAM.Paying rent for an apartment is not bad either,but it is not home..The real feeling of home is where you are comfortable and relaxed, and you know that you worked hard to earn this home. When I think that I could have never done this on my own, I will always be able to remember all of the special and amazing people who helped me !You are all truly Angels sent to Earth who helped me achieve my dream! Every tip towards this goal will be put into a savings account that i won t be touching at all ! I am grateful for any help on this goal , big or small , means alot to me and help me gets one more step forward ,brings me closer to my dream come true. I hope one day we will all sitting at my house and having fun ! Thank you so much for reading this and for being with me ❤️🏠
Token Goal
All 1 Album and 5 Items contribute to this Goal.
hamsterjovial 2862550 Tokens
Zag83 1590435 Tokens
EstebanCali 340610 Tokens
Poker__ 160981 Tokens
carinoloco 159200 Tokens
PeterJaz 147031 Tokens
ben_azert 21724 Tokens
Kempes1 2000 Tokens
lorenzo1211 1000 Tokens
BDFHJ 839 Tokens
fire532 550 Tokens
BRANDONL987 500 Tokens
WTFIrishdBA 420 Tokens
kittylvr3 400 Tokens
doran1666 222 Tokens
Johannes19622 220 Tokens
DjDemento1 220 Tokens
treymagician 195 Tokens
FuknGentleman 175 Tokens
brady19989 111 Tokens
jimdino 100 Tokens
Jimmy_Martini 50 Tokens
miadmiad123 20 Tokens
GreenAnaconda 10 Tokens