Hi, my name is Bobo and i'm a very nice and fluffy Pomeranian. When my mom goes to the gym,i need a cage to stay calm, not to pee and poop in the house and not to bite her shoes. I also need some toys so i don't get bored. Any help is welcome. Many kisses! Muuuuuahhhhh
Token Goal
All 4 Albums, 6 Items, and 1 Club contribute to this Goal.
dannyblu1 26285 Tokens
Toto_1 6223 Tokens
V1k1saGhost 5680 Tokens
MarkDavis314 3147 Tokens
BlueEyeFinder 1499 Tokens
wayne2119 1400 Tokens
stanx9xx 1211 Tokens
RacerXXXXX 1100 Tokens
Anonymous 1000 Tokens
AdventureYes 1000 Tokens
Anonymous 858 Tokens
Charger777 699 Tokens
Shnooby 658 Tokens
monk1824 500 Tokens
Pinktalk 499 Tokens
LightmyCandle 489 Tokens
sam265_ 465 Tokens
HonaKaunu 373 Tokens
SugarManSA 283 Tokens
Mystery_B 255 Tokens
ABetterB 250 Tokens
Ryan323 246 Tokens
RaiderFun 246 Tokens
BubsBurgers 159 Tokens
Anonymous 159 Tokens
Mystery4C 128 Tokens
LondonBigBEN 123 Tokens
InMyCampervan 120 Tokens
Ax_CJDrummer 100 Tokens
Stealth223 100 Tokens
StrikeForce5 92 Tokens
ynnad4 66 Tokens
EB_Bob 44 Tokens
manster2020 33 Tokens
poetwarrrior 20 Tokens
GhostriderTG 10 Tokens
VisitorAfar 10 Tokens
Nick_Adams2 1 Tokens