If you've ever joined in on one of my stream then you probably know that technology and I don't always get along. Now I know technology is only as useful as the one using it, but I believe upgrading my laptop would be a giant step in the right direction. ♥ Thank you for the support and contributions ♥
Token Goal
All 4 Clubs and 1 Poll contribute to this Goal.
AarnSnchez new laptop ♥ 860 Tokens
AarnSnchez ShareTip 300 Tokens
btmanX 200 Tokens
xPhantasmx new laptop ♥ 200 Tokens
gringo_grande 200 Tokens
Anonymous 200 Tokens
Nifty91 200 Tokens
rcoller686 ShareTip 25 Tokens
rcoller686 Team No Zero Token Days 10 Tokens
rcoller686 Team No Zero Token Days 1 Tokens