Life's tough but I will not let it defeat me!! I want to become a powerful single mum of two. I'm so determined to.do that. I've an opportunity to cash in to sell a product which is world wide and I can make a huge difference to mine and my children's lives..... I just need a starting cost, would love for you guys to help me out what ever possible 😘😘😘😘 I need to work from home to be available for my children and just general mum life day to day happenings. i already have my plan present and going forward, where i want to be in the future and how im going to work to get this. I AM A WINNER. anything to contribute i would be entirely warmed with the generosity of you great guys.
Jun 18, 2024
Token Goal
All 4 Albums contribute to this Goal.
Heddy77 3909 Tokens
Anonymous 620 Tokens
Mohawkxxx 550 Tokens
jbwwfc 175 Tokens
Trick2017 150 Tokens
Sniper4799 4 Tokens