Hi everyone! I've been thinking for too long about my summer plans and now I'm ready to tell this dream to you! I have the biggest dream of exploring Spain this summer. I've been learning about its amazing culture, delicious food, and beautiful places, and I can't wait to see it all in real! To make this jorney come true, I'm starting a goal. Every little tip helps!
Aug 31, 2024
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Aug 31, 2024.
You can send Coconut_dream a Share Tip!
All 3 Items and 2 Clubs contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 ShareTip 1500 Tokens
Contributor 3 CASSIE'S TEAM ★ 777 Tokens
Contributor 4 VEGAN CLUB 333 Tokens
Contributor 5 ShareTip 800 Tokens
Contributor 6 CASSIE'S TEAM ★ 777 Tokens
Contributor 7 TREAT FOR CHIPLYK💞 171 Tokens
Contributor 8 TREAT FOR CHIPLYK💞 171 Tokens
Contributor 9 TREAT FOR CHIPLYK💞 171 Tokens
Contributor 10 TREAT FOR CHIPLYK💞 171 Tokens