Step #2 to further the viewers experience with me; a new webcam. *** Highest overall tipper for this goal, will win a special treat from me when this camera arrives*** Currently I am using the webcam that is built into my laptop. With a new small, portable webcam the sky is the limit for content and camming I feel like. I would love to be able to pick up the camera and give close up views of many things, use your imagination and let me know how you would like to see me use it. Thank you so much for your amazing, and seemingly unending support of my camming career to this point. With love, Bridget
Nov 26, 2021
Dec 17, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 17, 2021.
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All 1 Album, 4 Recordings, 4 Clubs, and 1 Tipmenu contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 My Tip Menu, 1st Edition 250 Tokens
Contributor 2 My Tip Menu, 1st Edition 27 Tokens
Contributor 3 My Tip Menu, 1st Edition 27 Tokens
Contributor 4 My Tip Menu, 1st Edition 23 Tokens
Contributor 5 My Tip Menu, 1st Edition 22 Tokens
Contributor 6 My Tip Menu, 1st Edition 22 Tokens
Contributor 7 My Tip Menu, 1st Edition 8 Tokens
Contributor 8 My Tip Menu, 1st Edition 4 Tokens