You know how much I love the summer and the pool and I was thinking that this is the best moment to have a pool party together in a villa while I will be streaming from there! A private villa means NAKED SWIMMING with you! We will spend one day in there making awesome memories and celebrating us! Also for the best supporters the prizes will be: 1st place - First hour with me in the villa 2nd place - Custom Video from the villa 3rd place - Sexy pics with your fav girl P.S: I will keep the goal open till the last day of it which it will be 15th August(last day when you can tip in the goal)!
Aug 17, 2024
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Aug 17, 2024.
You can send BdayKara a Share Tip!
All 143 Albums, 280 Recordings, 2 Collections, 3 Items, 4 Clubs, 2 Polls, and 6 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 1962 Tokens
Contributor 2 1929 Tokens
Contributor 3 1522 Tokens
Contributor 4 1100 Tokens
Contributor 5 1050 Tokens
Contributor 6 915 Tokens
Contributor 7 900 Tokens
Contributor 8 439 Tokens
Contributor 9 430 Tokens
Contributor 10 350 Tokens
Contributor 11 280 Tokens
Contributor 12 213 Tokens
Contributor 13 132 Tokens
Contributor 14 103 Tokens
Contributor 15 75 Tokens