Hi friends! So my bestest and I haven't been able to travel together in FOREVER! Between changing careers, medical bills from my hip surgery, Miss Lou's surgery, farm work and her busy career. we just haven't been in a place to get out of here together & We SO BADLY want to go to the Elephant Sanctuary in Thailand!!! (You've seen the elephant tattoo I have on my wrist.. well she has the same one on her ankle! Elephants mean EVERYTHING to us!) Figure it is worth putting it out into the universe that we want to get our booty's there !! I mean, we know it, but now you friends know also!!! ** 500+ tokens = Pictures from trip! *** 1000+ tokens = Pictures/videos from trip! Thanks, friends! This really means everything to me! Hugs! xoxo Moon
Feb 24, 2020
Token Goal
EndlessDays 200 Tokens
jim_not 100 Tokens
quagmire61 30 Tokens