UPDATE: This particular car has obviously been sold by now, by the person offering it to me. I will however find a car as the same pricing once goal is completed. Thank you to those that have contributed it honestly makes me very emotional to receive help to obtain this. If you've known me since I've started camming or known me in only a few days, one think I've never done was ask for anything. I really need your help with helping me get this car please. I was offered it on a bargain because i know the owner, and i need your help to get it before its sold. Even if you can only spare 1 token thats fine as it is still helping in the Goal. I'll give you all free rides when you come to South Africa as a reward!!! Please help me get this car, please.
Feb 08, 2020
Token Goal
max_1275 45410 Tokens
I_M_Hipp 7556 Tokens
DCFL1 5773 Tokens
asiandanny28 800 Tokens
DeadlyMiami 200 Tokens
von_doom 125 Tokens
Juvic 100 Tokens
mrcasual408 26 Tokens
poetwarrrior 10 Tokens