I am traveling to Ireland and Iceland ! It is my first time leaving North America and I am SO excited! All tips towards this goal help with food , lodging , souvenirs ,time away from work etc... Everyone who tips a single tip of 1875+ will get a vid filmed while away. Clear the goal and get my hand in marriage + exclusive content All tips here help SO MUCH! Thank you! IF we clear this goal I will be doing a clubshow that will be recorded and sent out to everyone who tipped 500+ on this goal.
Oct 17, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Oct 17, 2022.
You can send Sarah_Stark a Share Tip!
All 211 Albums contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 7975 Tokens
Contributor 2 2695 Tokens
Contributor 3 1699 Tokens
Contributor 4 1260 Tokens
Contributor 5 800 Tokens
Contributor 6 498 Tokens
Contributor 7 400 Tokens
Contributor 8 250 Tokens
Contributor 9 200 Tokens
Contributor 10 200 Tokens
Contributor 11 200 Tokens
Contributor 12 200 Tokens
Contributor 13 200 Tokens