I have been having serious issues with phonethese past months and after numerous attempts to fix it nothing has changed. Contributions- over 250 tokens will get a video of choice - over 1000 tokens 4 videos -over 3000 a 10 min custom video You can always contribute by purchasing content/ items
Token Goal
All 2 Albums and 10 Items contribute to this Goal.
bassie10 1000 Tokens
Gailaird 1000 Tokens
Jamies127 310 Tokens
Hollywood317 310 Tokens
exitonly1 310 Tokens
tenminmiler 310 Tokens
fodetsambas 305 Tokens
FlipsideX 250 Tokens
ComradeJoba 250 Tokens
johnsonpj 100 Tokens
FuknGentleman 81 Tokens
erilabes 60 Tokens
JackPurcell 60 Tokens
Stanatame778 60 Tokens
alfhie 60 Tokens
iPhoneC 60 Tokens
inni_wintrop 60 Tokens
Anonymous 60 Tokens
a_non_y_mous 60 Tokens
agj07 50 Tokens