I need a couple of new sneakers for the gym. Basically, I do a lot of strength exercises and my old sneakers are already in a state of death + the sole of the sneakers glides and this is dangerous I have big chances to get injured one day because of this . . Take care of me and my comfortable training . . Xoxo
Mar 20, 2023
Mar 25, 2023
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Mar 25, 2023.
You can send LizaGhost a Share Tip!
All 53 Albums, 14 Recordings, 21 Items, 34 Clubs, and 5 Polls contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 Goal of my comfort 2000 Tokens
Contributor 2 ShareTip 1000 Tokens
Contributor 3 ShareTip 333 Tokens
Contributor 4 ShareTip 333 Tokens
Contributor 5 ShareTip 300 Tokens
Contributor 6 ShareTip 300 Tokens
Contributor 7 BEAN BOOZLED 50 Tokens
Contributor 8 BEAN BOOZLED 50 Tokens
Contributor 9 BEAN BOOZLED 50 Tokens
Contributor 10 BEAN BOOZLED 50 Tokens