Coming up soon is the MyFreeCams social. It is just for cam girls. You have to have at least 5,000 tokens and 10000 tokens to have your room FOR FREE. It is something that I've always wanted to do. They treat you like absolute Queens. During conventions MyFreeCams really takes care of their girls. They pay ouR our Uber to and from the convention. They feed us and give us snacks while we're at the convention. After they always have a nice dinner. They sent us home with so much swag. I wear my MyFreeCams swag Everywhere I Go. I got quite a few sweatshirts that I have tie dye to my preference to fit my personality. The MyFreeCams social is just that a social where cam girls from MyFreeCams get together and just have a great time. They just treat you so nice. In almost 15 years of doing adult work I've never had been treated like that. Is almost a shock. You would think that doing p*** you would be treated like a princess. Often that's not the case. If I could come up with 5,000 to 10,000 tokens so I could attend I would be over the moon. Sometimes, it's nice to be just treated like you're special. I will be offering 5 minutes solos custom to your name for every $25 in tokens that I receive towards mY GOAL. Please help me get there.
Feb 25, 2020
Apr 30, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Apr 30, 2020.
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All 9 Albums contribute to this Goal.