🌊I've never seen the sea or the ocean. It's my dream, I think it's a special place. I will be the happiest girl on the planet when I fulfill this dream... There is magic in the ocean.... 🌊
Jan 24, 2022
Dec 30, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 30, 2022.
You can send gfj54wtgxb a Share Tip!
All 3 Albums and 1 Club contribute to this Goal.
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 1000 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 500 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 333 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 200 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 200 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 200 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 100 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 100 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 100 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 100 Tokens
rick_thestick 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 100 Tokens
rick_thestick 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 100 Tokens
rick_thestick 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 100 Tokens
rick_thestick 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 100 Tokens
rick_thestick 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 100 Tokens
rick_thestick 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 100 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 100 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 100 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 100 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 100 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 100 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 100 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 100 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 100 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 100 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 100 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 75 Tokens
rick_thestick 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 55 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 50 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 50 Tokens
rick_thestick 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 50 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 5 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 5 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 5 Tokens
donniedorn54 🌊oh the sea... 🌊 5 Tokens