: FUNDS SUPPORT NEEDED EQUIPMENT to broadcast LIVE during my adventures near the black river.. - Electronic tablet with built in data. *increased resolution, easier to communicate or interact with screen. *Better views for YOU - Some type of extender for data. I am in deeper terrain I lose service easily - Simple basic lighting - lightweight portable for anytime any place lighting - but can travel on foot light with on my own. Having these simple things alone increases my camera feed to you, live in new places. Places ive been craving to share with you. Remember; I only receive .05 per token in live group.
Aug 02, 2024
Token Goal
All 1 Album and 1 Club contributes to this Goal.
Anonymous ShareTip 6 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 6 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 6 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 6 Tokens
Bigtime740 ShareTip 5 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 2 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 2 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 2 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 2 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 2 Tokens
Anonymous ShareTip 2 Tokens