Thank you so much for following me on my new Share page :) If you saw my Friday, October 16th show, you know I have some lace and sheer lingerie, but an aspiring cam model always needs more, right? I am thinking I need more lace, sheer, and light coloured lingerie, which I adore, even a fun costume or two.... :) I got so many emails and messages saying, "your innocent look is so refreshing and so hot!" First off, thank you for all those kind messages. Secondly, you think I am in innocent, just catch me online and let me prove to you I do not act all that innocent ;) I also want more cute, flirty, and sensual lingerie for future girl friend sleep overs :) Thank you for each and every contribution you make, it means a lot to me, I truly appreciate each token, message, and email! With love, Sansa
Oct 16, 2020
Oct 30, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Oct 30, 2020.
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All 1 Club and 2 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 3797 Tokens
Contributor 2 559 Tokens
Contributor 3 307 Tokens
Contributor 4 222 Tokens
Contributor 5 110 Tokens
Contributor 6 5 Tokens