Sooo today while driving my car just shut off. This is the third time in the past month that it has done this. This time it was a little different than the other times. First my radio shut off, then my A/C. Then my windows wouldn't roll down and when I hit the gas the car barely moved. My hazards wouldn't come on either and that's when the car finally shut off and I was stuck in the middle of a very busy road during rush hour with my kids in the car. It was a scary moment for me. Eventually some nice people stopped to help me push the car out the road and give me a jump. The jump worked and I went to get my battery and alternator tested. Well low and behold, my alternator is BAD! I need $200 for the alternator alone, but luckily I have someone to put it in so I just need to buy the part. My car is my job, I'm a delivery driver, so any kind of help would be a big blessing to me and my boys. Any and all kind of help is much much appreciated!!! Thanks for taking the time to read my situation.
Token Goal
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