I grew up on a farm . 4x4ing in the trucks and play with the quads or skidoos. I always had so much room to explore and there was always something to do . I grew up and now I live in a city . I love the city life it’s fun crazy and fast . Your never alone . But these times are wearing old very fast for me . I miss the fresh air and peace. I miss the birds . I miss being able to go out naked if I please and do my gardening . My life goal is to be back on an acreage or farm . Just a small property that needs a lot of TLC as I love doing Reno’s! Any help with this over the next few years I’d greatly appreciate and updates will be posted as we get further into the goal ! If and when Goal is reached my Top 10 tippers ( AMOUNT ) will have updates of the prosses and all the before and after photos ! ! Thanks for all your love and support ! I’m not Tayylor with out all of you !! Xoxo --
Token Goal