Dear Santa, This year... I've been a good girl, or so I think... maybe you can tell me. Under my tree, I desire my goal complete and I promise to leave milk and cookies for you. Be sure I will treat you well and you won't wanna visit anyone else :perv HT of the goal will be gifted a Christmas photoset Runner up will receive a sexy surprise
Dec 03, 2022
Dec 30, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 30, 2022.
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All 88 Albums, 56 Recordings, 12 Collections, 13 Items, 6 Clubs, 6 Polls, and 4 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
A_Free_Birdy 13571 Tokens
georgiahog 1593 Tokens
Roberto5454 1165 Tokens
Peryroyl 1125 Tokens
krazylarry 961 Tokens
Anonymous 900 Tokens
nevets__ 552 Tokens
donniedorn54 491 Tokens
PantherofTroy 476 Tokens
MrConundRum 320 Tokens
Belsebub 150 Tokens
Melvin78 35 Tokens
I_LikeCuddles 5 Tokens