Maya invited me to be her date at AVNStar mix & mingle in LA, Oct 18th... & I said yes! This is the price of my plane tickets. * Please help me get there! * I love her so much, miss her like crazy, & this feels like the perfect time to switch things up- expand my horizons by meeting some new people with her- and just have a good time together while opening some new doors. all who contribute will be rewarded! * $25 + = private snaps from the trip (500 tokens) * $55 + = content we make while we’re together <3 (1,100 tokens) Thank u so much! Total is $390, u can also help via xOOOOOOx Trip Heros: Petey $80 Dragon Ninja $200
Token Goal
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All 88 Albums, 1 Collection, 14 Items, 12 Clubs, 1 Poll, and 8 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
GoldiesCD 5308 Tokens
Manly_Manhood 3110 Tokens
Goldies_petey 2508 Tokens
Triton_JermS 2099 Tokens
Jyd929 777 Tokens
dg1968 500 Tokens
Valerian_1 200 Tokens