Thank you to everyone who showed up to my very first camming experience last night! It was a lot to take in and I literally had 108 PM's after I signed out. I need to figure out this PMing thing and also how to ban guests and basics; be patient, I will get there. But after reading all of the messages, it is obvious that you men AND women want to see me in lingerie and lots of it, and various forms. So, I am starting a lingerie fund goal here and hope to have some new lingerie for Halloween. Who knows, I may even wear it out for Halloween night! Highest overall tipper to this goal with get a private surprise from me!
Sep 21, 2022
Oct 30, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Oct 30, 2022.
You can send MissNariman a Share Tip!
All 1 Club contributes to this Goal.