I do not have my own apartments, I rent an apartment, but I really dream of a two-story apartment and therefore decided to open a collection to everyone who will help me in collecting 1000 tokens get all my videos. 7777 tokens are received by all my media and my personal number in the whatsapp 11111 tokens receive every month video on their order, any costume, any role-playing game or 3 hours of skype with me
Dec 10, 2020
Sep 23, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Sep 23, 2021.
You can send AllexyaWonder a Share Tip!
All 27 Albums, 1 Collection, 4 Items, 1 Club, and 1 Poll contribute to this Goal.
Allister676 456 Tokens
Academy1954 250 Tokens
Vulture1357 243 Tokens
RealHT 222 Tokens
bk00000 222 Tokens
kustomz86 111 Tokens
wetninjas 77 Tokens
dytl13514lt 77 Tokens
mars701021 77 Tokens
Sambaker82 77 Tokens
present66 50 Tokens
GypsyTy 20 Tokens
W5Alligators 5 Tokens