My toy is more than 2 years old, at the moment it is Lush 2 and the engine in it is no longer as powerful as it was originally. With a new toy, I can: â–º Give long controls; â–º Use this toy for play for 7-8 hours of my stream; â–º Record long and interesting videos with her; â–º The new powerful motor gives more pleasure and emotion during the show
Token Goal
Humperdink 1733 Tokens
MRM1995 982 Tokens
mill1302 822 Tokens
Denungeelske 333 Tokens
nodee 165 Tokens
Ridingon 155 Tokens
biglou8 118 Tokens
wsb55 56 Tokens
Guvnor19 54 Tokens
mr_longtime 54 Tokens
PogTramp 54 Tokens
brendanwolf 53 Tokens
figgiez 51 Tokens
Xtracurricula 51 Tokens
happylife42 40 Tokens
jimmy00770 36 Tokens
joshDking 33 Tokens
indianamark 30 Tokens
usmsexe 29 Tokens
Anonymous 26 Tokens
Sammy599 19 Tokens
brokenWalrus 19 Tokens
Canada_eh807 19 Tokens
Fireman3619 5 Tokens