This matching goal is to support AdysSweet for the end of a particularly miserable 2020. Let's finish where we belong in top 20 and start the new year off on better footing! We love you Ady. ❤️ -AdysJim
Dec 29, 2020
Dec 30, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 30, 2020.
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All 578 Albums, 122 Recordings, 19 Collections, 74 Items, and 13 Clubs contribute to this Goal.
AdysJim Fuck 2020 Match 20000 Tokens
Billt3f1 Fuck 2020 Match 4327 Tokens
Ian4UAdy You make the world disappear 3000 Tokens
AdysWolf Fuck 2020 Match 1000 Tokens
AdysSmark Baby, it's cold outside! 900 Tokens
AdysFirstLast Baby, it's cold outside! 900 Tokens
jrcainus Baby, it's cold outside! 900 Tokens
drworm3 Baby, it's cold outside! 900 Tokens
AdysKiwi Baby, it's cold outside! 900 Tokens
AdysSkipp Baby, it's cold outside! 900 Tokens
AdysAla Baby, it's cold outside! 900 Tokens
AdysJim Baby, it's cold outside! 900 Tokens
anttihiro Baby, it's cold outside! 900 Tokens
neil054 Baby, it's cold outside! 900 Tokens
AdysBlue Baby, it's cold outside! 900 Tokens
Adys_Seeker 400 Tokens
iolo1010 400 Tokens
Ian4UAdy 400 Tokens
neil054 400 Tokens
jrcainus 400 Tokens
sportsman999 400 Tokens
AdysSkipp 400 Tokens
therealLordD Fuck 2020 Match 160 Tokens
Adys_Seeker MMM December 2020 #3 150 Tokens
Adys_Seeker MMM December 2020 #2 150 Tokens
Adys_Seeker MMM October 2020 #4 150 Tokens
Adys_Seeker MMM November 2020 #5 150 Tokens
AdysMikester Fuck 2020 Match 150 Tokens