It is my dream to produce a full length album and a few professional music videos. Anyone who tributes will receive a signed copy of my CD, a first look into my videos, behind the scenes snapchats, a shoutout whenever applicable, and my love forever and ever. I've had this dream since I was a kid and if I get to execute this, I could die happy. Much love and thank you for believing in me. <3
Token Goal
All 8 Albums and 2 Items contribute to this Goal.
Anonymous 2300 Tokens
JkerNthePack 1500 Tokens
oldslutlover 1378 Tokens
briangeek 1130 Tokens
Unluckyhammy 1000 Tokens
rolypoly75 1000 Tokens
Logibear99 1000 Tokens
Anonymous 500 Tokens
whowhat376 500 Tokens
tendencies 429 Tokens
corsair420 400 Tokens
Anonymous 400 Tokens
LAcalling 375 Tokens
Anonymous 200 Tokens
AmenBreak 200 Tokens
Theman202021 200 Tokens
SundayOrange 200 Tokens
Avalon230 200 Tokens
OrdinaryRob2 200 Tokens
Fluffffyhead 200 Tokens
eatingdonuts 200 Tokens
mrmarcuz100 200 Tokens
Anonymous 200 Tokens
Crissmarie 200 Tokens
MathiasWolfy 101 Tokens
Farnsley69 100 Tokens
ILuvItBushy 100 Tokens
Nerdy_Dude89 100 Tokens
meow4mored 100 Tokens
djdonkey 100 Tokens
Anonymous 100 Tokens