as you know i love smiling & laughing alot! i love to make you smile & laugh too! if you have come to my room recently or not seen me as much it is because i havent been smiling so brightly... i have been told many times. Even thou the cam makes my teeth look good in rl they are not! the reason for this has been due to my mental health having depression & anxiety taking meds and dealing with side effect i have been sick alot! my teeth have suffered so much & have gone very yellow and the front two have started to crack! years ago in turkey about 2004 i had an accident where i sliped on marble floor and face planted the floor i smashed both of my front teeth! Luckly turkey is so advanced they were able to restore it with bonding this last about 10 years. i also had braces int the uk. due to the pandemic not been able to fly my option is to try get this done in uk this will cover some treatments i understand this is a big goal i just want to be able to smile brightly again!
Token Goal