I want to finally get my OWN house. I'm starting to save money for building a house. And this is the first part. I believe that taking it in small steps is easier. Well I hope so 😂 There will be only for me and my 2 beloved cats 🐈🐈, they're always with me. All my thoughts now only about this, because I hate to pay rent for someone's apartment every single month and have no rights in such places at all. And if YOU feel generous or just can contribute in this good thing for me - you will really make me a little more happy 🤗🤗🤗
Token Goal
All 3 Collections, and the following 3 Albums, 3 Items, 1 Club, and 2 Polls contribute to this Goal:
ModestIDK 37872 Tokens
maninahat 11111 Tokens
Ben3435 10667 Tokens
APF94 333 Tokens
Anonymous 333 Tokens
aals_betasub 222 Tokens
Jsparttan 222 Tokens
Rudebwoy2009 222 Tokens
ooohhmy 222 Tokens
Clayton_ 111 Tokens
ABadBadWolf 111 Tokens
chasteboy78 111 Tokens
ModestPepper 111 Tokens
Nthguy 100 Tokens
ModestMurphy 30 Tokens