Join us on our new adventure through Europe. We are saving to travel soon and we would love to have you to achieve our goal, if you want to help us, type here and leave a comment, you will have many photos and videos of our trip!! We love you Luna and Venus
Jul 14, 2024
Jul 14, 2025
Token Goal
All 27 Albums, 1 Story, 2 Items, and 4 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Lorgoth1812 1640 Tokens
mojo1949 976 Tokens
t_bear_518 731 Tokens
Sunchaser 420 Tokens
Nox_Diabolik 340 Tokens
michael33 302 Tokens
mister_dom 267 Tokens
mycr0ft 225 Tokens
tax24 200 Tokens
mattyicebwc 171 Tokens
Anonymous 152 Tokens
hunter184 125 Tokens
Gazort 120 Tokens
jimmy00770 106 Tokens
Rolnnnnn 99 Tokens
DaAssLover 95 Tokens
macot592 95 Tokens
pinchi1228 85 Tokens
Pillsburyboy6 85 Tokens
Airworthy 76 Tokens
venture4r21 71 Tokens
Nulone 63 Tokens
HawkTuah_C2C 45 Tokens
Anonymous 30 Tokens
SweetTimmyT 30 Tokens
Doomswift 30 Tokens
Arsenal91 30 Tokens
jakubmizera1 30 Tokens
KyloKush808 11 Tokens