UPD 20.04.2021: Old tumors have grown a little. The ones that were the smallest. I continue to watch. UPD 16.10.2020: Sad news. I have +1 tumor ( Total of them 5. The doctor said you need to constantly do ultrasound and monitor the condition. Or go back to the operation. I decided to do ultrasound from time to time and monitor them. And also take pills that suppress pain. UPD 07.06.2020: I decided to download the ultrasound results. I see that you worry with me. Verdict: treatment with pills and repeated ultrasound after 3 months. UPD 19.05.2020: The bad news. The tumor has returned. I don’t know if the operation will be, but I already spend a lot of money on examinations. If you care, you can support me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 year: Hello my friends! i found out that i have a tumor in my chest during the planning medical examination. Doctor said that i need to do operation . To stay my chest beatiful i need to do it for money and its really expensive for me, and after this i won't work well some time. So i will be happy for all ur support . i will text news here for u to know what happening if u r interested in that. Last news- result of biopsy is good, 18 of july i go doctor again to discuss things about hospitalization. UPD Hospitalization is scheduled for July 22 ... I will be back online as soon as I feel better. Since everything happened too quickly, the operation will be done in debt. But I really hope for your support. Lack of this debt would be the best gift for my birthday, which will be 3 August. UPD!! The operation went well. I feel really weak now. I will go online as soon i will feel better. Thank you all who worries about me.
Token Goal
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Contributor 13 100 Tokens