Time to save for bills in June! This is my monthly minimum! The exact amount it takes me to get by without any extras! Pretty please help me make even more than my monthly min so I can live comfortably How fast can we crush this goal?? SPONSOR CATEGORIES Each sponsor receives unique tailored content depending on which category they sponsor! Total ~ 40k Rent 🏠 ~ 10K Tokens Utilities ⚡️~ 4K Tokens Storage 📦 ~ 5K Tokens CC Bills 💳~ 4K Tokens Weed 🌱 ~ 2K Tokens Groceries 🛒~ 6K Tokens Pets 🐈🐈‍⬛🦡~ 2K Tokens Drinks 🍷~ 1K Tokens Taxes 🗂️~ 3K Tokens Savings 💰~ 2K Tokens Pocket 💵 ~ .5 K Tokens Work Apps📲 ~ .5K Tokens
Token Goal
All 166 Albums, 8 Recordings, 1 Collection, 15 Clubs, 3 Polls, and the following 8 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal:
yilly 3461 Tokens
thing666 1622 Tokens
KalieKitten 620 Tokens
dlaurence0371 250 Tokens
Raboto290 249 Tokens
Ryan11214 153 Tokens
xenamorph 110 Tokens
GaryJ1214 60 Tokens
Sacred1989 50 Tokens
JonesIRL 23 Tokens