I would love to buy a doxy wand and experience what 30% more power than a Hitachi has to offer. Anyone who contributes 75+ to this goal will be invited into a club show to watch me use it for the first time-- guaranteeing three cums minimim (and get the recording) ❤️
Token Goal
The following 1 Album, 1 Club, and 2 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal:
SirHoHoWh0reo 9821 Tokens
Southern 9063 Tokens
ImUncleBob 3265 Tokens
UnleashDaNewU 2111 Tokens
dg1968 1967 Tokens
Fkoppswethops 1125 Tokens
imperialmoth 1000 Tokens
scottshunger 666 Tokens
Anonymous 300 Tokens
hankyt 200 Tokens
MathQ101 200 Tokens
Mistleh03 200 Tokens
Connorgasm69 200 Tokens
moix123 200 Tokens
MysteriOso69 179 Tokens
itsDarbyBitch 179 Tokens
kingjoe159 113 Tokens
WrecklessX 113 Tokens
SkaldBragi 100 Tokens
Dt2023 13 Tokens