Google said it can cost from $2000 to $8000 so I split the difference. Now that I have my wisdom teeth out, there's nothing stopping me from getting the orthodontics I've wanted for over a decade... except money. My mouth and I would be extremely grateful for any contribution, small or large, to our cause. Thank you times a million in advance.
Token Goal
All 2 Items and 11 Clubs contribute to this Goal.
Pinky_Promise there's too much to do as a person 123 Tokens
Pinky_Promise there's too much to do as a person 123 Tokens
BorbyBiscuit there's too much to do as a person 123 Tokens
Winthederby there's too much to do as a person 123 Tokens
twongwing there's too much to do as a person 123 Tokens
HomelessRobot there's too much to do as a person 123 Tokens
mfcovid19 there's too much to do as a person 123 Tokens
inkydoo post-isolation discord 200 Tokens
PlaksaFan worst striptease ever revived 700 Tokens
Anonymous IT'S HAPPENING 1030 Tokens
Witch_Blade there's too much to do as a person 123 Tokens
korson_ IT'S HAPPENING 1030 Tokens
HomelessRobot IT'S HAPPENING 1030 Tokens
Anonymous IT'S HAPPENING 1030 Tokens
ThunderT7 IT'S HAPPENING 1030 Tokens
prspireaspire IT'S HAPPENING 1030 Tokens
groovechill IT'S HAPPENING 1030 Tokens
TheFloppy IT'S HAPPENING 1030 Tokens
antiFungi IT'S HAPPENING 1030 Tokens
Andernas wish list access woohoo!!!!!! 5 Tokens
MerkinMufflay wish list access woohoo!!!!!! 5 Tokens
specture wish list access woohoo!!!!!! 5 Tokens
specture IT'S HAPPENING 1030 Tokens
Witch_Blade wish list access woohoo!!!!!! 5 Tokens
CyberWorld wish list access woohoo!!!!!! 5 Tokens
ThunderT7 post-isolation discord 200 Tokens
mj_wangler IT'S HAPPENING 1030 Tokens
whimsy_ IT'S HAPPENING 1030 Tokens
MerkinMufflay wish list access woohoo!!!!!! 5 Tokens
antiFungi wish list access woohoo!!!!!! 5 Tokens
prspireaspire wish list access woohoo!!!!!! 5 Tokens
ThunderT7 wish list access woohoo!!!!!! 5 Tokens
TheFloppy wish list access woohoo!!!!!! 5 Tokens
krille1234 there's too much to do as a person 123 Tokens
Witch_Blade Invisalign 6 Tokens
le_frog 100 Tokens
bcnky77 100 Tokens
dragonragee 100 Tokens
Drawbacks 100 Tokens
Junothbiz Invisalign 1 Tokens
The_Gump 100 Tokens
elscorcho777 100 Tokens
gooey 100 Tokens
NightOwl Invisalign 100 Tokens
CultOfPoppy 500 Tokens
antiFungi 500 Tokens
Jay_77_ 500 Tokens
Bangarang419 500 Tokens
Sangre 500 Tokens
sweet_woody 500 Tokens
korson_ 500 Tokens
attocs 500 Tokens
specture 500 Tokens
DrydenJames 500 Tokens
xeunik 500 Tokens
ThunderT7 500 Tokens
Cappin0829 100 Tokens
cloudy71 100 Tokens
MerkinMufflay 100 Tokens
antiFungi 100 Tokens
FurtunaRoz there's too much to do as a person 123 Tokens
carix04 100 Tokens
Plah_ 100 Tokens
pharm88 115 Tokens
NightOwl 200 Tokens
NightOwl 100 Tokens
NightOwl 100 Tokens
kapow_blaze 115 Tokens
juice_stain27 100 Tokens
glenn999 100 Tokens
Ridicoulous 100 Tokens
rs1996 100 Tokens
Drawbacks 100 Tokens
groovechill there's too much to do as a person 123 Tokens
hellhammer66 there's too much to do as a person 123 Tokens
AntiLucks there's too much to do as a person 123 Tokens
DonQuixote507 there's too much to do as a person 123 Tokens
specture 100 Tokens
WanderMFC Anti Book Club: Napoleon's Buttons 1000 Tokens
prspireaspire there's too much to do as a person 123 Tokens
WanderMFC 100 Tokens
WanderMFC My Punny Valentines 300 Tokens