Many years ago I worked as a waitress and didn't spare my back and proudly carried 8 beers in one hand because it was beautiful service! Ha! And then I worked as a nanny with 3 kids 10 hours a day and aggravated my back problems-yes, it was stupid not to realize the consequences( after my back treatment I'll open a collection to buy a new brain lol) When I went to this osteopathic chiropractor she asked- how am I still walking with back problems like this! I replied- I also dance yohooooooo ahahahahahaah Anyway, I would be happy and very grateful for any input on my health! You take care of yourself too!
Apr 06, 2023
Token Goal
All 6 Recordings, 1 Collection, 8 Polls, 6 Tipmenus, and the following 3 Albums, 3 Items, and 6 Clubs contribute to this Goal:
fabio__ 164489 Tokens
Silly_Panda_ 6395 Tokens
malleus1 2588 Tokens
Jade_Frog 2477 Tokens
rabhailhail 1963 Tokens
emorana 1459 Tokens
NoWay2Pay 1417 Tokens
jer___ 765 Tokens
Pin__666 588 Tokens
godzilla1234 550 Tokens
sweaterdd 544 Tokens
darkywolf 535 Tokens
SamParadise2 517 Tokens
billybradshaw 515 Tokens
sadasi 498 Tokens
Sanbranann 462 Tokens
DrumRun 427 Tokens
LightningLuna 361 Tokens
Trouhble 333 Tokens
Sugerjust4u 316 Tokens
jcwlc23 299 Tokens
Ezegoer4549 244 Tokens
satchmo100 242 Tokens
WildCrazyLeo 214 Tokens
freedog7 199 Tokens
Rizzekial 195 Tokens
PrinceofLove 177 Tokens
happy_trees 168 Tokens
juciusthicc 160 Tokens
Abwdg 138 Tokens
silent_jac 109 Tokens
DokHoliday 101 Tokens
mrwright26 96 Tokens
alexkimm 96 Tokens
hardguy100 86 Tokens
teal_dragon 77 Tokens
alphascepter 77 Tokens
bobbottles 77 Tokens
llopezz 77 Tokens
ethan1420 77 Tokens
jsonk 77 Tokens
Titus_P__ 76 Tokens
Justonlyone 69 Tokens
sakura_yuki_ 55 Tokens
H_Comet 53 Tokens
swiss38 37 Tokens
Alexndah 26 Tokens
madhatta106 25 Tokens
joshey07 19 Tokens
Lovetolo0k 19 Tokens
catcatcatx69 13 Tokens
garb102226 13 Tokens
brucieboy 10 Tokens
somniculor 10 Tokens
Ross777 10 Tokens
Vegassolo_xx 10 Tokens
JackRanger2 10 Tokens
CAM_LORD 9 Tokens
hughy12345 9 Tokens
Witch_Blade 9 Tokens
JamHamBam 9 Tokens
crouch100 8 Tokens
Bred501 7 Tokens
adam_c2c 7 Tokens
Worm2414 6 Tokens
w_ANGLe 6 Tokens