I am 24 now and if I settle down I want to live gypsy: Living in a van with my vinyl and my cat. And having a Vespa! I want to try to archive this goal at my 30s maximum. You know the rest, I say bla bla bla and I appreciate! Ohh, and yes: Buying an apartment for myself too. I think is important to have your personal place. It’s good to have a place, whatever happens, you can always have a place to come back, where no one can take you out and where you can be secure inside a roof and have a bed. But, I wouldn’t live there! I would rent it and I would live in the van. Van is suppose to be my house. But I want to rent the apartment and have some extra saving per month and have it there in case of emergency. I would always have it. Always and ofc when it doesn’t go extreme…And the bank don’t take it away or country don’t go on crisis or… Anyways! But the thing is: I would always have a place to come back here in Colombia. My own place. A place secure that no one can take away (unless I go dumb and sign something that I shouldn’t and end up loosing it) But again, the thing is: Would be my home sweet home! :) That’s it! I’ll shut up! ✌️🍃
Dec 11, 2021
Sep 28, 2027
Token Goal
All 64 Albums and 10 Items contribute to this Goal.
Soulguy34 11745 Tokens
Soul_Tom 6300 Tokens
Anonymous 5630 Tokens
mtnma 5330 Tokens
a3ternum 2632 Tokens
Arkveis 2500 Tokens
brisausbloke 1400 Tokens
Wallnuts1225 950 Tokens
imahedau 280 Tokens
kranax34 105 Tokens
dell61 80 Tokens
HandsomeLad 80 Tokens
Anonymous 2 Tokens