I have never traveled first class before and I have never flown this far before. I will be on a non stop 6 hour flight and would love to do it comfortably. All donations help so don't be shy! All tips of 2000+ will get exclusive vid (cummy and fun) + all of the dorky photos I take in first class (dorky and fun). I must close this out by June 16th so I can upgrade my seats before they sell out. Thank you SO Much for contributing towards this.
May 17, 2021
Jun 14, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Jun 14, 2021.
You can send Sarah_Stark a Share Tip!
Contributor 1 First class travel 700 Tokens
Contributor 2 First class travel 1700 Tokens
Contributor 3 First class travel 1000 Tokens
Contributor 4 First class travel 875 Tokens
Contributor 5 First class travel 100 Tokens
Contributor 6 First class travel 200 Tokens
Contributor 7 First class travel 550 Tokens
Contributor 8 First class travel 50 Tokens
Contributor 9 First class travel 875 Tokens
Contributor 10 First class travel 500 Tokens
Contributor 11 First class travel 250 Tokens
Contributor 12 First class travel 575 Tokens
Contributor 13 First class travel 5000 Tokens
Contributor 14 First class travel 1875 Tokens
Contributor 15 First class travel 1500 Tokens
Contributor 16 First class travel 1000 Tokens
Contributor 17 First class travel 1450 Tokens
Contributor 18 First class travel 3750 Tokens