I applyed for some non-redundable funds with an beauty salon business plan I have lots of chances to get them I will find out in Janurary and till then I have to put some money away Process is already in motion. This goal needs to be reached by Jan in order to be accomplished. Be part of my future by helping to start mine. All help is appreciated. Everything on share contributes! I might not take the founds but I will use this to try and open another small business!
Jan 01, 2025
Token Goal
All 31 Albums, 2 Stories, 6 Recordings, 21 Items, 14 Clubs, and 4 Polls contribute to this Goal.
tater130 35554 Tokens
Anonymous 5173 Tokens
jp__igs 3793 Tokens
riiickeee 1751 Tokens
silent_jac 1575 Tokens
Anonymous 1011 Tokens
Pugs44 1000 Tokens
Anonymous 777 Tokens
unknown989898 777 Tokens
Anonymous 641 Tokens
Cute_PeteF 500 Tokens
martin_2011 500 Tokens
rob2410 500 Tokens
HypoxicWaiter 500 Tokens
znnyx 500 Tokens
cavedulley93 500 Tokens
DickhammerC2c 331 Tokens
Phill0621 199 Tokens
Sdfan00 141 Tokens
mikie39 141 Tokens
InHiding79 131 Tokens
GuitarVillain 111 Tokens
Villaman82 111 Tokens
luvu2themoon 111 Tokens
Albie_ 111 Tokens
scoobydoo69 111 Tokens
SamsWorkerElf 73 Tokens
Pablote_ 50 Tokens
I_M_Hipp 38 Tokens
YouthfulDaddy 10 Tokens
Anonymous 10 Tokens
BlackPenis00 10 Tokens
aka_vacious 10 Tokens
Pandypaws 10 Tokens