1 token = 1 point => for every tip i will spank my ass (you must tip on MFC Share so your name and contributions appear here). Remind me to spank my ass if I don´t do it! All the tips you do will be added up, when you reach 5000 points you will get a personalized 10 min cum video that I will send to you trough MFC mail. If you tip any amount from the Tip Menu in a month please make sure to tip on MFC share (it helps my MFC rank too + your name will be in the goal too so you can see how many points you have). Thank you for all the love <3
Aug 20, 2022
Sep 02, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Sep 02, 2022.
You can send SophiAbsinth a Share Tip!
All 4 Albums, 3 Clubs, and 2 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Likeyourname 1096 Tokens
nankerphhelge 299 Tokens
tikimonkey 299 Tokens
formermike 3 Tokens