I am a Boner Maker :D jajaja and also a dreamer ... with a house, Dogs and plants around... Thanks for Make my Dreams come True... Your Real Nurse Sam
Jun 30, 2023
Token Goal
All 31 Albums, 4 Items, 5 Clubs, and 2 Polls contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 ShareTip 1000 Tokens
Contributor 2 when i wear boots i feel littl bitch 599 Tokens
Contributor 3 when i wear boots i feel littl bitch 599 Tokens
Contributor 4 Buy me a flowers 500 Tokens
Contributor 5 Buy me a flowers 500 Tokens
Contributor 6 Buy me a flowers 500 Tokens
Contributor 7 Jus cause is Friday 499 Tokens
Contributor 8 Nike Lovers 299 Tokens
Contributor 9 Snapchat 1 month 250 Tokens
Contributor 10 Snapchat 1 month 250 Tokens
Contributor 11 Snapchat 1 month 250 Tokens
Contributor 12 My Dream House 150 Tokens
Contributor 13 My Dream House 150 Tokens
Contributor 14 Appreciation 150 Tokens
Contributor 15 My Dream House 110 Tokens
Contributor 16 My Dream House 100 Tokens
Contributor 17 My Dream House 100 Tokens
Contributor 18 Appreciation 60 Tokens
Contributor 19 My Dream House 50 Tokens
Contributor 20 Appreciation 45 Tokens
Contributor 21 Appreciation 15 Tokens
Contributor 22 Appreciation 15 Tokens
Contributor 23 Appreciation 15 Tokens
Contributor 24 Appreciation 15 Tokens
Contributor 25 Appreciation 15 Tokens
Contributor 26 Appreciation 15 Tokens
Contributor 27 Appreciation 15 Tokens
Contributor 28 Appreciation 15 Tokens
Contributor 29 Appreciation 15 Tokens
Contributor 30 Appreciation 15 Tokens