This goal is to help cover my expenses while I'm in Vegas for AVN! All contributions will go towards my flights, food, outfits, and treating myself to a day at the spa while I'm in Vegas. Any contributions of 500 tokens or more will be added to my private AVN snapchat story ♡ Any contributions of 2000 tokens or more will get added to the snapchat story, get all the videos I make in Vegas and the album of all the AVN memories ♡ Any contributions of 3000 tokens or more will get all of the above and an MFC merch care package mailed to them ♡
Token Goal
HokieTokie 9230 Tokens
Cmjkg21 5000 Tokens
Morefunatnite 2001 Tokens
Qsilva 2000 Tokens
Deejay117 1269 Tokens
Showlovesu 500 Tokens