I am so excited to have those bamboo mixing bowls, thank you so much. Since the mixing bowls was something I really wanted, can I make a goal with YOU, the viewer, in mind? I have watched several girls use this Njoy before but have never used it myself, well that is all about to change. For those of you who have been to my Club Show(s) or taken me private, you know that I love to achieve multiple orgasms and I am not afraid of making a mess. My motto is, "the sloppier the sexier, and the wetter the better." This toy is for you, but also I know it may quickly become the favorite toy in my burgeoning toy collection. ****Highest tipper in this category, will receive an exclusive video from me while using this for the first time**** Better pack an umbrella and a rain coat. With love, Lea
Jan 19, 2022
Jan 30, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Jan 30, 2022.
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All 47 Albums, 142 Recordings, 3 Collections, 5 Items, 21 Clubs, 11 Polls, and 12 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.