I remember my 1st day in grade 6 in my new town. It was the the 1st day I learned I had buck teeth and that wasn’t a good thing. The bully rapidly started. Buck tooth bitch was my nick name. That same year was the summer before middle school. I was determined to find a too hide or fix my teeth as my parents could not afford the cost of braces @ the time. I remember filing my teeth with a nail file. Fail. Tried putting black marker on the bottom of my teeth so they wouldn’t look so big. Even bigger fail. There was nothing I could do. I was going into middle school like this. That’s when the ocd took off. I couldn’t do anything about my crooked teeth but I could make them the healthiest & whitest. So that’s when I started brushing my teeth. For 3 hour time periods. I’d sit in front of clock and brush each tooth one by one till they bled. It was exhausting and I was 12. Fast forward to 13 my 1st year of middle school. My parents could finally afford braces for me. I still remember writing on my “msn” name “my dream is coming true”. ( I was getting braces,sad) but true. I get my braces god they were painful but I loved the pain cause I knew they were moving into the right place. Slowly people started noticing them straightning it was the 1st time in my life I experienced the compliment & started really feeling confident. 3 months into having my braces I fall on my face in gym class my top 6 teeth meeting the ground 1st. I couldn’t believe it I was convinced I’d be in braces forever for sure now and would never have a smile. After being rushed to my dentist he confirmed if it wasn’t for the braces I would of lost all my top front teeth. Luckily I only lost 2 but they were intact the roots were just no longer connected. Eventually they would turn grey “translucent” and id need veneers. Eventually after growing out of my parents medical benifits the 2 front started to go grey. This was all before camming when I was making around 600$ a month doing daycare I some how saved up enough money to pay out of pocket 4300$ for my 2 veeners. I started feeling how I felt before I had braces & I refuse to go back to that place. Now that I’ve gotten older. The damage is more visible on the other teeth & I will be needing 6 more veeners. About 20000 tokens each. I’m so sad scared & feel so helpless. I don’t care about crooked teeth anymore. I see it as uniqueness but my teeth changing color. I can’t. If I don’t have my smile I have nothing. Please donate.
Dec 14, 2020
Apr 03, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Apr 03, 2021.
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All 104 Albums, 6 Collections, 5 Items, and 1 Club contribute to this Goal.
TheAltered 8456 Tokens
MrWorks_alot 1761 Tokens
Ropeadope76 1100 Tokens
robertrack10 1000 Tokens
Elephodra 900 Tokens
Anonymous 550 Tokens
CenoPriest 550 Tokens
Dfranks95 550 Tokens
stdavid97 500 Tokens
boredstiff88 500 Tokens
Turdel 500 Tokens
msheehan8932 400 Tokens
gilmour9393 300 Tokens
JoeyFontaine 250 Tokens
brandon616 225 Tokens
I_M_Hipp 184 Tokens
David_5 110 Tokens
LionJG1985 55 Tokens
BettysTrumpet 1 Tokens