As you may know i am taking mom to Scotland for her birthday and am so excited because this is probably the best present she ever got for her birthday in her entire life and it will be amazing for both of us if you can help me to complet this goal before nov 13th. If we reach this goal will help me cover the food , drinks and some of the tickets for sighseeings. If your tips exceed 350 tokens you will receive an album with pictures from my holiday ! Thank you and please lets do this !!!!
Nov 06, 2019
Nov 12, 2019
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Nov 12, 2019.
You can send LenaLiveNow a Share Tip!
All 4 Albums, 10 Items, 4 Clubs, 1 Poll, and 2 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
Tineismoney Going away with mom for her bday! 550 Tokens
analking718 ShareTip 352 Tokens
analking718 Going away with mom for her bday! 549 Tokens
analking718 Going away with mom for her bday! 351 Tokens
BFjorgeXXtasy Tip Menu 77 Tokens
AnonimUnul Going away with mom for her bday! 1200 Tokens
TearsinRain Going away with mom for her bday! 350 Tokens
AnonimUnul Going away with mom for her bday! 3775 Tokens
LenasThor Going away with mom for her bday! 550 Tokens
AnonimUnul Going away with mom for her bday! 3775 Tokens
BFjorgeXXtasy Going away with mom for her bday! 350 Tokens