My sweet little Mo has to have surgery on September 29th for brachycephalic syndrome. Which is a pathological condition affecting short nosed dogs which can lead to severe respiratory distress. There are four different anatomical abnormalities that contribute to the disease, all of which occur more commonly in brachycephalic breeds:- an elongated soft palate, stenotic nares, a hypoplastic trachea, and everted laryngeal saccules which Mojito has. Because all of these components make it more difficult to breathe, in situations of exercise, stress, or heat, an animal with these abnormalities may be unable to take deep or fast enough breaths to blow off carbon dioxide. This leads to distress and further increases respiratory rate and heart rate, creating a vicious cycle that can quickly lead to a life-threatening situation. If you’d like to help with the cost of her surgery any token amount tip towards this goal will go towards the cost of her surgery. Thank you so much for your support!
Sep 22, 2020
Token Goal
All 11 Albums, 2 Items, 3 Clubs, and 1 Poll contribute to this Goal.
alan38 28398 Tokens
SimpleSim 16669 Tokens
dkrypt 10910 Tokens
AragornKing94 10127 Tokens
wingnut1369 9413 Tokens
Anonymous 7400 Tokens
tray8392 5677 Tokens
OG_MrBB68 5000 Tokens
LegendPaulo 4777 Tokens
Tamponluvr 4300 Tokens
Voompire 4100 Tokens
MyShlong4U 4000 Tokens
Starrgrayjedi 3800 Tokens
AlyssasSubby 3777 Tokens
TittyBear21 3677 Tokens
Intelligent1 3677 Tokens
Fuentes43 3000 Tokens
Dustin332 3000 Tokens
C2312 3000 Tokens
superS54322 2877 Tokens
ChastityBoi 2828 Tokens
seannyyyboyyy 2777 Tokens
Midwestrome0 2777 Tokens
t_gottron4 2777 Tokens
HevzeeBot 2705 Tokens
oxfordboy1 2560 Tokens
VEN3M 2400 Tokens
mindless600 2350 Tokens
jakesteez1234 2350 Tokens
Mr_ANDRS0N 2027 Tokens
Anonymous 2021 Tokens
ohryan23 2005 Tokens
SirPhatcock 2001 Tokens
HellCatz 2001 Tokens
Anonymous 2000 Tokens
deadeye_IV 2000 Tokens
PassingBy6 2000 Tokens
Anonymous 2000 Tokens
OleNumber7 2000 Tokens
StormBreakerX 2000 Tokens
dg1968 2000 Tokens
MR_SEX_E 1900 Tokens
SmaSco 1800 Tokens
dannyj36 1800 Tokens
Samj80 1800 Tokens
helpdp 1800 Tokens
santo0718 1800 Tokens
gregg11520 1678 Tokens
UncleanDaniel 1677 Tokens
InTheShallows 1677 Tokens
Venom23X 1677 Tokens
texasman04 1494 Tokens
Mommar 1450 Tokens
JkerNthePack 1400 Tokens
MooseMkGoose 1400 Tokens
pse1999 1177 Tokens
Lost_n_fiund 1177 Tokens
Lumber_ 1177 Tokens
Cowcatcher 977 Tokens
BFCPoon 901 Tokens
Chrishamel34 900 Tokens
ak6483 900 Tokens
Sam027 900 Tokens
Mysticshagyy 900 Tokens
bankeeroll 900 Tokens
Anonymous 900 Tokens
Corven 900 Tokens
thejudge8 900 Tokens
thankless 900 Tokens
Anonymous 900 Tokens
TJonesWoah 900 Tokens
daddykielbasa 900 Tokens
Kinkycare 900 Tokens
Briansniners 900 Tokens
swissguy83 900 Tokens
Anonymous 900 Tokens
Garybusey666 900 Tokens
Brian21b 900 Tokens
rocketsled61 900 Tokens
jimmyslong 900 Tokens
DrRad10 900 Tokens
ninjanear007 900 Tokens
flyersfan716 851 Tokens
bisson61 777 Tokens
SkrewDaddy 777 Tokens
chef206 777 Tokens
grindit04 777 Tokens
jamaicanbeer 777 Tokens
Godsmack127 777 Tokens