I have been at two eye doctors and they both said his eyes are healthy but the brain is not working properly with the eyes and he needs special tests ☹ He needs an MR and cerebrospinal fluid sampling . We have an appointment for Friday 1.July morning 1. July - After MR Toffis MRI showed that he has chronic encephalitis 😔 we have medication and hopefully the progress will be stopped, there is very little chance of curing the brain damage that has already occurred. It's not good... 😔 His condition requires long-term treatment,current he takes high doses of medication 4 times a day. Plan is ... After each three weeks slows starts to reduce medication and the treatment will last for about 6-8 months if everything go well. So every 3 weeks we will go for a check up and I hope that Toffi wont get worse and the medication doesn't have side effects and the progression of the disease stops and his brain doesn't get damaged anymore. 25 July - First check up after 3 weeks ... Today's check-up with the neurologist did not bring positive news. Actually the medication ( Prednisone and Sporimune) that he is taking should have brought him improvement especially in these first 3 weeks and he has deteriorated 😔. We continue the treatment and in 3 weeks we go for check up again , I also want to give him vitamins for old dogs that reducing the signs of mental and physical aging in symptoms of confusion, disorientation, changes in social behavior. 22 .August -The treatment is still ongoing and I have to say the first 2 months were a disaster, the meds totally kicked him off . He was totally losting control of his body and just slept 0% joy and life. 1st 3 weeks of pills was 3,75mg/ 2 of 3weeks his pills was 3mg. Now we are on 2,5 mg and finally I see an improvement at least in body control and that he has more energy and joy . So I think as the doses go down , it will get better ... but there are still a lot of questions that only time will answer.
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