Hey guys, i'm trying to get very invested in this bc I Love it and it seems like guys like me too. Unfortunately my ex broke my computer and I've been borrowing someones laptop to stream, but i'm sure they will want it back soon. I'm not looking for top the line but definitely something that will work for everything I need to do for this site. Like I said I'm new to this site but not to the industry or camming. So sorry for all you computer trolls that may try to take advantage of me just because I'm on here. I'm far from stupid and actually have a 137 IQ. If you try me then I will just immediately block you period. I'm here to make u feel good and special and I never try to screw people so I would appreciate it if you didn't insult me by thinking I'm stupid enough to fall for it bc I've heard it all. You gotta pay to play just like ever other man! Thanks guys, can't wait to chat and spend some time with you one on one. I guarantee you won't be unhappy, in fact I'll give you a money back guarantee so you have no excuses!
Aug 30, 2021
Token Goal
All 3 Albums and 1 Poll contribute to this Goal.