Self Care Fund❤️ Self care... Mentally physically emotionally, sounds simple right? Like how could you forget to care for the one person that should mean the most to you. I guess ive been neglecting myself for quite some time and I've finally realized its taking a toll on me.. So I've vowed to Myself that Every month I am going to plan out a little something for me whether it be a trip to the hair salon or spa or yoga classes or find a new relaxing weekend at a cabin in Helen Georgia where my dad used to take me as a little girl or therapist(which I am currently searching for one) ... Im really trying this year to put my mental health first... In hopes that just these little moments of me time resolves some of my physical health issues I've been dealing with and I can just start feeling like my happy healthy self again ❤️❤️❤️ Ps. Everyone that contributes any amount here I am deeply grateful for... You will get a sneek peek during and little journal entry after whatever activity I choose to do for myself that day 😊 Thanks everyone in advance for ur support I love you all and will post pictures of whatever I wind up doing the more I get towards to this will determine if I will just go get a manicure or get my hair done or go for a much needed weekend to myself so it's all up to y'all
Jan 14, 2023
Feb 13, 2023
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Feb 13, 2023.
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All 4 Albums, 5 Recordings, 1 Collection, and 1 Club contribute to this Goal.