I spent 2020 busting my beautiful ass getting my third college degree, in the field that I'm truly meant for. I still have this pesky loan to deal with! Any and all tip amounts are greatly appreciated and all users who help me toward this goal obviously support education and have that real Zapp Brannigan energy that keeps me wanting you. 😉 I will update this goal as the loan is paid off, whether I'm the only one doing it or not! IT SHALL BE VANQUISHED! I would love to not still be paying this in 2027. The faster it dwindles down, the more I save on interest. Lol P.s. The picture is from my first college graduation in 2013. I was 20! Awe how cute.
Jun 19, 2022
Jun 19, 2027
Token Goal
LilacLeela 48429 Tokens
LilacLeela 24551 Tokens
LilacLeela 16000 Tokens
LilacLeela 5029 Tokens
LilacLeela 2129 Tokens
LilacLeela 1815 Tokens
LilacLeela 1505 Tokens
LilacLeela 1502 Tokens