Between student loans, medical debt and credit card debt, I've got some work to do still. BUT unfortunate circumstance do NOT define a person. I will get out of this, just a speed bump in this life. I now have medical insurance too so I can never be hit with those ridiculous medical bills again!!! :) Woooo!!!! I appreciate everyones help getting me closer to having the world at my finger tips once again!!!! Hugs!!! XOXOXOXOXXO Kenna
Feb 05, 2020
Feb 05, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Feb 05, 2020.
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All 7 Albums, 11 Items, and 8 Clubs contribute to this Goal.
EndlessDays 2503 Tokens
Anonymous 1888 Tokens
Rigger 1099 Tokens
Anonymous 1000 Tokens
BBsCastillo 530 Tokens
Ejaculatronic 300 Tokens
strobes0270 100 Tokens
Ralphy28 100 Tokens
Anonymous 100 Tokens
Bonfyr5197 100 Tokens
sponge9043 100 Tokens
Gravit 100 Tokens
Hillsdale_ 35 Tokens
poetwarrrior 2 Tokens